The Portland Mumfords - Charles Norhood Mumford Source A II - Letters - 03/15/1863.
No envelope.

General Hospital, Leavenworth City, March 15th, 1863

Dear Wife:

I received yours of the first inst. some days since. A few days before I received it there was a man taken with the small-pox. His bed was between mine and another man's The consequence was that we were banished from the rest of mankind by being shut up in a room by ourselves ... for fear we should spread the disease. I am happy to inform you that the time has passed to take the disease and neither of us has taken it. I have been vaccinated twice with kine pox while here but it did not work. I was vaccinated when a boy. The doctor thinks it is good yet ..... Your kind letter of the 9th inst. was gladly received yesterday. You seem to be so much interested in my welfare that you forgot to tell me whether you were well or not. I am quite well with the exception of rheumatism and have to be careful of my diet. I think you were shrewd in guessing I would not get my discharge if I got well. I think the time for my discharge from the service is past. Doctors gave me a thorough examination a few days since. They said they thought they could cure me and that I was the biggest muscled man they had examined and that they thought that there was many weaker men in the service than I was. I think very likely this may all be true, yet I think men of a stout constitution may become unfit for the service. I believe I am of that class. It is possible I may be sent to the hospital at Madison, Wisconsin, if the doctors do not think I am fit to return to duty in a few weeks. I should even consider that a Godsend for I am tired of being shut up in this cussed pest house. I am afraid that the conscription act will cause trouble, perhaps create an insurrection in the north. I hope not. I am a Douglas Democrat and go for the prosection of the war to the bitter end. Douglas Democrats can never be Copperheads. I can only say to the noble sons of Wisconsin -- If the Government needs you, rally to the battle cry and help put down this damnable rebellion. Of two evils let the people choose the least. The war is certainly a great evil, yet if the rebels succeed in dismembering the government of the United States, the evil, I think, will be far greater. If the rebels should succeed, I do not believe we should have peace but a short time, for by the same rule of State Rights, the whole north would be cut up into petty governments or dynasties in a few years. Such undoubtedly will be the end of our once-glorious republic, if the rebellion is not put down. The north can put down the rebellion; whether they will or not time will determine. I think Henry will most undoubtedly be called into the service whether I return or not. I have studied the Act thoroughly and have the opinions of others in his case. I think he will be called on by the first of June. I wish it were otherwise and hope it will not be so.

I got $34 pay since I last wrote you. I enclose you $5. I do not think it safe to send money. If it goes safe I will send you more as soon as I get an answer. I am a little in hopes that I may be sent to Madison. If so I think I may be allowed to come and see you, or if not you could come and see me. You bet I should like to see you all but when I shall I do not know. Tell me how you all get along ..... I look for a letter from Manly every day. I have nothing of importance to write you. I am afraid my letters are quite uninteresting but when I am permitted to talk with you perhaps it will be different. My love to all the family. Heaven bless you. Your affectionate husband,

Chas. N. Mumford