[Digest, not full copy. MJM]
Post Hospital, Camp Randall, Wis. August 9, 1863.
Dear Wife:
Glad to learn in her letter of the 5th that all are well at home and also that Manley is improved in health. My health continues good. About 300 in that hospital, probably about half of them are wounded and around half the wounded are crippled for life. "Such is the horror of warfare." "But this is only a drop in the bucket compared with many other hospitals in the United States."
"The siege of Charlestown, S. C. is slowly but surely progressing. The Federal army have a number of cannon placed in position above Fort Sumpter that throw shot of the enormous weight of 240 lbs. Charlestown is bound to succumb to our victorious arms. I hope if it is the will of Almighty God that there may not one stone be left upon another that will not be thrown down in that accursed city. It was there the rebellion began, and many think there it will end. I pray God it may be so. ...
My Regt is with General Blunt in Ark.... Everywhere the Union armies seem to be pushing the enemy. The Rebels are badly discouraged, while the Union army are in better spirits.......
There was a Sergeant here a few days from my Regt. While here he got a letter that his mother was at the point of death, and he had not money enough to go home with. I lent him all I hand -- only a dollar and 80 cents. He said he would send it back as soon as he got home...
I should like to get a letter from Mary, very much. Time passes off wearily. I hope it may be so I can come home again the first of next month, but I may be sent south before that time...
Kiss Mary, Jane, and Misses baby for me. Give my love to Henry, Amos, and families.
I am truly Your Affectionate Husband,
Charles N. Mumford.
P.S. Kiss Adaline for me too - specially if she writes me a letter.
C. N. M.