Madison Barracks, Sep. 6th 1863.
Dear Wife:
Yours of the 1st inst was gladly received.
I really have no good news to write you. I am returned to duty and according to orders I am to be sent to my Regt. It would appear that the Dr. lied to me when he said that I was transferred to the Invalid Corps. I am at liberty to be sent to my Regt. any day and probably shall be the coming week. I can only say I feel much disappointed and had much rather remain in the state.
There have been several officers here from the 3rd Cavalry and the First Lieutenant from Company M, I think it is. Through the influence of the officers I am returned. I am well with the exception of a hard cold and cough.
There is so much running and jumping here I can hardly write.
I am afraid I shall be denied the happiness of seeing you again before I leave, as the officer in charge here refuses to give furloughs or passes to the men who are here. I have not been paid yet, but suppose I will be in a day or two, or before I leave for my command.
My dear Wife, I have a bad headache today and feel low in spirits.
Kiss the children for me. I think I shall be here long enough to get a letter from you. Write as soon as you get this, and remember me always as your affectionate Husband,
C. N. Mumford
P.S. Direct to Madison Barracks, Wis.