The Portland Mumfords - Charles Norhood Mumford Source A II - Letters - 11/06/1863.
No envelope.

Kansas, Allen Co., Humboldt. November 6th, 1863.

I have written twice to you since I have received an answer. I am very anxious to hear from you. I am quite well with the exception of the rheumatism which is caused, I suppose, by sleeping on the damp ground.

We are 50 miles west of Fort Scott. The mail comes here twice a week. There is 18 of our Co. here. The balance of the Co. is at Fort Smith Arkansas. They have been ordered back to this place. The whole of Co. M. is to be stationed at Humboldt this winter. But the Co. will not get here from Fort Smith till the 1st of January, as the times are so troublesome lately they will have to wait for a larger force to come with them. There is a part of four companies of the 3rd Cavalry here, in all 50 or 60 men. It is considered by all to be the most dangerous place that they have been in for Guerillas, or Bush Whackers, as we call them. There is universal discontent here among the men. We are all under the command of a Lieut. from Co. D of our Regt, who appears to be a fine man, but seems quite discouraged. The pay of all the commissioned officers in the 3rd Cavalry has been stopped by an order form the War Department, for what reason I do not know. The Col. is at St. Louis and has been since last Spring, and every Capt. except two that belongs to the Regt. are in Wis. The men of the Regt are very much demoralized, in fact, so much so I think they are doing no good in the service. The Capt. of Co. M is sick at Fort Scott. The 1st Lieut. has been to Wis. most of the year. He has returned and gone to Fort Smith after the Co. to fetch them here. There are three Sergeants here of Co. M., including myself. We have only 7 horses for our 18 men here. All the mounted men have no left the camp in pursuit of Bush Whackers who murdered a man and robbed several houses 12 miles from here. There is in camp today some 20 men without horses. The three Sergeants with me have no horses and no arms but revolvers to fight with. It has been a common saying with the boys that the 3rd Cavalry is played out. It is one continual round of scare and excitement and alarm here from false and true reports -- in fact, it is a Babel of confusion all through the country. I am tired of service of this kind, but can see no prospect of a change. There is no prospect of pay before the 1st of January.

Write as often as you can. Direct to Humboldt, Allen Co., Kansas.

Remember me to all the children. Do the best you can till I return.

Tell me where Manley is so I can write, and may God bless and protect you till I see you all.

Your Affectionate Husband

C. N. Mumford