General Hospital, Fort Scott, Kans., March 3d, 1865.
Dear Wife:
You will see by the date of this that I am again in the hospital. I came here yesterday. I stayed in camp as long as I could stand it. The Dr. here says I have the sciatic rheumatism. It is confined to my left hip and leg. The lameness is in the cords and muscles and is painful and somewhat hard to endure. I have not yet had the opinion of the Dr. whether he can cure me or not. I have not taken any thing yet, but suppose I will today. I do not sleep well -- but hope to be better soon. I was compelled to take my horses from the camp. I hired them kept about 4 miles from here, and have to pay $5 a month for each horse, making $10 a month.
I am anxious to hear from you, but fear I shall not get your letters regular till you receive this. I fear that my horses will be stolen. If so, let them go. I have this consolation, that I came honestly by them. The two cost me $145. I have a new saddle and bridle, worth $25 or $30. I also have two double barrel shot guns. One I am offered $15 for and think I shall sell it for that, tho it is worth much more. The other is a very fine one and worth some $40. I shall send it home, I think, if I do not have a good chance to sell it. The guns cost me, in the way I traded, $26. Last fall I bought a horse -- or colt, rather -- for $15. I sold the colt for a lever watch and chain. The watch and chain are new and cost at the jewelers shop here $52. I was offered $45 cash down before I left camp for the watch. I owe $15. That is not due till next pay day. This is all I owe to any one.
If I was able to ride, I should try to get a furlough and take my horses across the country to Wis. But as I am not able to ride, I must take things as they are.
Charleston, Wilmington, and is short, all the principal places of the south, are in our possession, and Sherman is marching on victorious to the capture of Richmond. The most of people think the war will soon end. Time will determine. I hope it may be so. I am now where I can answer your letters promptly, health permitting. My own opinion is that the present summer will end the war.
I went to see the Agent of the express Co. yesterday in regard to the mistake in the receipt for the money I sent you, and he says I need entertain no fears about the money, as it was stated on the envelope that the money was sent by me, and that there could be no doubt about your receiving it...
Give my love to all the members of our family -- and mine as ever to yourself. Direct General Hospital, Fort Scott, Kans. Please write as soon as you receive this. Kiss Marian for me, and remember me ever as your affectionate, though somewhat afflicted Husband
Chas. N. Mumford