
tl is a text-based load average graphing utility. Its display is similar to xload. "Why not just use tload?" For two reasons: portability and usability. tl available under a BSD-ish license.

Version Release Date File
14 9 November 2008 tl-14.tgz (gpg signature)
13 31 October 2008 tl-13.tgz (gpg signature)
12 14 April 2008 tl-12.tgz (gpg signature)
11 24 February 2008 tl-11.tgz (gpg signature)
10 24 December 2007 tl-10.tgz (gpg signature)
9 15 August 2007 tl-9.tgz (gpg signature)
8 1 May 2007 tl-8.tgz (gpg signature)
7 2 November 2006 tl-7.tgz (gpg signature)
6 24 October 2006 tl-6.tgz (gpg signature)
5 8 August 2006 tl-5.tgz (gpg signature)
4 17 November 2005 tl-4.tgz (gpg signature)
3 5 March 2005 tl-3.tgz (gpg_signature)
2 24 January 2005 tl-2.tgz (gpg signature)
1 8 December 2004 tl-1.tgz (gpg signature)

I have never seen tload on anything except Slackware machines. An admittedly brief attempt to compile it under OpenBSD failed gloriously. I hope that tl is more portable than tload. Actually, I'm sure it is because I've compiled it under OpenBSD, MacOS X, Debian, Solaris, FreeBSD, Slackware, and RedHat. I suspect it will work on anything that has a curses library, but who knows. If you succeed on a platform not mentioned here, please let me know. If you fail on a platform, I would also like to know.

I also have a problem with how tload performs scaling. It doesn't. One column may have a completely different scale than the one next to it. tl maintains a consistent scale on all parts of the terminal.

tl operates in one of three modes -- columnar bar graph (-c option) single-line mode (-l option) and three-line mode (default option) where each line represents, the load avgerage for the last 1, 5, and 15 minutes.

Here are some screenshots:
Low load Medium load. Note the convenient and consistent scale markers. High load. Note that the scale markers have gone away because they would just be in the way. Instead the scale is displayed after the current load average in the top-left corner.
Three line